Tb and Human Health

Page No. Source Quotes from Decision Documents
554 2 Agency App. G “It is noted that around 3% of all human Tb cases [in NZ] are M.bovis..this [is] equivalent to between 9 and 15 cases per year. The Ministry of Health attributes these low rates to herd testing and the widespread pasteurisation of milk”
555 1 Agency App. G “[human Tb] infection is stated by Regional Public Health to be due to M. Tuberculosis rather than M. bovis [and that] even if bovine Tb were prevalent in cattle it would not present a real risk to human health”
555 2 Agency App. G “The Agency considers that the benefits [to human health] proposed by the applicant, relating to the use of 1080 in controlling and eradicating Tb, are insignificant”
555 3 Agency App. G “the Agency does not consider that any potential increase[d] incidence of bovine Tb among cattle if 1080 were not used for vector control, would significantly impact on human health”
875 1 Agency App. T: Submissions “All exported New Zealand meat and pasteurized milk is tested and certified as Tb free”
876 1 Agency App. T: Submissions “We recommend that in making its decisions, ERMA de-emphasise the importance of bovine Tb. From a health perspective, environmental degradation is far more important” (Regional Public Health, Hutt Valley District Health Board)