Kill Rates

Page No. Source Quotes from Decision Documents
392 2 Agency App. C “factors such as a decrease in ‘trappability’ of possums in winter may have an influence in assessing the operational outcomes”
481 2 Agency App. F “the older monitoring reports did not always..mention the actual technique used [for monitoring possum numbers] and acknowledges that there may be some uncertainty”
490 8 Agency App. F “Tunnel tracks [of rats] 46% before [cereal 1080 operation]; 9% after”
499 2 Agency App. F “one 1080 operation..failed and killed virtually no possums; reasons unknown [during monitoring of kokako at Rotoehu 1994/5]”
506 1 Agency App. F “The Agency notes that there are indications that..possum RTCIs need to be below 5% to enable successful breeding of kereru..a target 1%..[has] been established for kokako..5% is acceptable, but more than 5% represents a failure”
514 4 Agency App. F “Treatment [aerial 1080] area RTCI <10% for at least 12 months”
525 3 Agency App. F “[target species possums, deer and possums in area reportedly infected with Tb], fresh deer sign..and live deer seen [after aerial cereal operation]”
526 3 Agency App. F “Poor possum kill (RTC 10%)..but significant improvement in foliage cover [of Kohekohe trees] 2 years, with decline in next year”
531 1 Agency App. F “Information on the kill rates achieved in DoC operations was..not as comprehensive as the Agency had anticipated..The Agency sought further information..where such information was provided by DoC, it is indicated in the text..DoC indicated that it would take a considerable amount of time to revisit the information..and determine whether ..additional observations [met] the criteria”
531 2 Agency App. F “No information [on kill rates achieved] was included in..the application from the AHB. The Agency sought further information..the AHB was not able to provide any information as its database is still under construction”
531 3 Agency App. F “The Agency sought further information from..the AHB on its kill rates for various species and operational conditions..the AHB was not able to provide any..information as its database is still under construction”
531 4 Agency App. F “DoC reviewed possum kill rates..a summary was the application..the Agency sought clarification as to why there [were] so few results..given the time frame…Several criteria [had been applied]”
531 7 Agency App. F “mean kill [rates] following aerial and ground-based 1080 operations…” (DoC data, no ranges given)
533 1 Agency App. F “kill rates achieved in [DoC rat control operations since 1990]..mean percentage following..aerial operations was 92.7% (n=3)”
534 3 Agency App. F “A kill rate of [>90% to 50% rabbits] was achieved [from an aerial drop of carrot 1080]”
536 1 Agency App. F “[1080] Gel has been use to control Dama/Tammar wallabies in forest and scrub but a suitable and cheap monitoring technique is not available, so kill rates are difficult to estimate”
536 2 Agency App. F “Two aerial [1080]operations [for wallabies] resulted in less than 10% to 70% kills”
539 1 Agency App. G “The applicants have provided little factual support to demonstrate the efficacy of aerial versus ground application of 1080 as it relates to possum control”
526 3 Agency App. F “Poor possum kill (RTC 10%)..but significant improvement in foliage cover [of Kohekohe trees] 2 years, with decline in next year”
539 2 Agency App. G “The Agency has carried out its own evaluation of the effects of aerial 1080 on possum density as it relates to Tb control but notes that the committee may require a more detailed assessment”
540 1 Agency App. G “The Agency notes the applicants have provided little factual support to demonstrate efficacy of aerial compared with ground application of 1080 as it relates to possums and Tb control”
540 2 Agency App. G “The applicants..have provided very limited supporting information to demonstrate the importance of aerial 1080 operations in terms of controlling possums and the subsequent effect on the prevalence of Tb”
552 1 Agency App. G “All sectors treated by both aerial and bait station application were found to have RTCI values below 3% [comparison of aerial versus ground application]”
557 3 Agency App. G “While the findings of Speedy (2003) do support the use of aerial application as the more efficacious control operation, the Agency notes that the study was only carried out at Agency is therefore unable to comment as to whether the results obtained are representative”
734 4 Agency App. N “The RTCI values..were 18.6..pre- and [in a trial where bird repellent was used]; and 11.8..pre- and 9.7..[post-operation, where no repellent was used]” Post operative monitoring was delayed [for 4 months]..and may have impacted on the RTCI”
756 1 Agency App. N “The aerial application of deer-repellent carrot at Hatepe resulted in..a significant rat by-kill not seen in the other blocks”
757 6 Agency App. N “no other assessment [was] apparent except a statement that “numerous sightings of pigs and deer have been reported in the treatment area since the operation”, without any clarification as to [whether this area had been treated with 1080 or 1080 with deer repellent]”
775 1 Agency App. O “complete eradication [of pests with cyanide/trapping] is possible, as on Kapiti Island”
776 1 Agency App. O “[percentage kill..aerial 1080..intial control 87.9%, maintenance control 39%..traps only initial control 79.2%, maintenance control 78.6%]”
777 3 Agency App. O “the percentage kill..indicates that trapping can be as effective as aerial application”
778 1 Agency App. O (costs and time were reduced, and kill rates increased, when ground control (cyanide and traps) was supplemented with dogs)
69 1 Applicants’ references “We have been unable to demonstrate whether the higher toxic loading..was more effective in killing deer. Several other factors including the variation in the pre-control densities of both red deer and possums between the two treatment blocks..are likely to have affected our comparison” (Fraser & Sweetapple, 2000)
131 2 Applicants’ references “two low-density quadrats recorded kill rates of <70% [of rabbits, poisoned with 1080 carrot]” (Moller et al., 1997)
133 2 Applicants’ references “Both [aerial 1080 and hunting] achieved kills of 80%. Patchy distribution with aerial drop; hunters made profit for half the total kill by averaging 8.2 possum skins/hr (selling skins)” (Morgan & Warburton, 1987)
140 1 Applicants’ references “All 13 stoats with radio-transmitters died between 2-18 days after the [aerial 1080] operation” (Murphy et al., 1999)
211 1 Applicants’ references “Kill rates estimated after aerial [1080 cereal operations to control possums] varied from 61-100% in 48 operations..both temperature and latitude contributed significantly to a regression model for predicting..kill rates” (Veltman & Pinder, 2001)
78 1 Committee Decision “All active management of deer [by DoC] is done by shooting from the ground or air”