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No. |
Source |
Quotes from Decision Documents |
487 |
5 |
Agency App. F |
“ongoing predation [during poisoning] managed by intensive trapping around nest trees” |
488 |
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Agency App. F |
“in non-treatment area, RCTI dropped to 11.5% in February 2002, with no significant differences between treatment and control by Feb 2002…decline in control block due to poisoning and trapping for fur” |
498 |
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Agency App. F |
“Predation was confirmed as the primary cause of most nest failures [of NI kokako, in areas with aerial 1080 followed by ground control over many years] |
507 |
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Agency App. F |
“Ship rats, stoats, possums [predators of Kereru]..ongoing predation noted after 1080 operation which achieved RTCI of 4.4% and rodent tracking index of 5% immediately after the operation..four years’ sustained ground control..including intensive trapping around nest trees..improved nesting for at least one season” |
527 |
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Agency App. F |
“[Abbey Rock..ground control with 1080] RTC <1% all species [of trees monitored] had low possum browse scores” |
547 |
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Agency App. G |
“The probability of Tb extinction within a given time did not vary substantially between aerial and ground-based..methods [in a research model]” |
551 |
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Agency App. G |
“The applicants advise that because aerial application provides such a low density of possums relative to ground takes longer for the possum population to recover to a density that requires further control” |
552 |
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Agency App. G |
“All sectors treated by both aerial and bait station application were found to have RTCI values below 3% [comparison of aerial versus ground application]” |
762 |
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Agency App. O |
“The applicant estimates areas of land that would not be treated under a cyanide/trapping scenario..but there is too little justification in the application for the Agency to evaluate this analysis” |
778 |
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Agency App. O |
(costs and time were reduced, and kill rates increased, when ground control (cyanide and traps) was supplemented with dogs) |
911 |
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Agency App. T: Submissions |
“We have proven that by encouraging coordinated and targeted trapping that possums (and rats as a by-product)..can be controlled to low numbers (using humane and kill traps) and harvesting a valuable resource” |
133 |
2 |
Applicants’ references |
“Both [aerial 1080 and hunting] achieved kills of 80%. Patchy distribution with aerial drop; hunters made profit for half the total kill by averaging 8.2 possum skins/hr (selling skins)” (Morgan & Warburton, 1987) |
198 |
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Applicants’ references |
“Compared with aerial treatment, the amount of [1080 used in bait stations] was reduced by more than 90%” (Thomas, 1994) |
198 |
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Applicants’ references |
“..a mean possum kill of 83% could be achieved [using bait stations]..when Talon followed 1080 baiting..rat numbers were reduced a further 23%” (Thomas, 1998) |
40 |
7 |
Committee Decision |
“If the use of 1080 were restricted to ground-based control, some known populations of highly threatened species could be protected” |
41 |
3 |
Committee Decision |
“if 1080 were restricted to ground-based use only, it would be possible to protect known [bat] roosting sites from predation” |
41 |
5 |
Committee Decision |
“Ground control operations could protect known populations [of lizards and frogs]” |
42 |
3 |
Committee Decision |
“Ground-based control could be used to protect known locations of threatened species” |
56 |
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Committee Decision |
“well-managed ground control operations using 1080 present a relatively low risk to the environment and indigenous biodiversity” |
68 |
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Committee Decision |
“monitoring undertaken for [field] workers in ground-based operations indicates there is little risk of exposure to 1080” |
73 |
3 |
Committee Decision |
“the concerns raised by iwi/Maori about the negative effects of..1080 relate largely to its aerial application” |
77 |
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Committee Decision |
“With ground-based control only, this adverse effect [of loss of opportunity to hunt] would not be realised” |
80 |
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Committee Decision |
“ happy to consider using deer repellent for all its operations in areas where hunting is undertaken” |
81 |
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Committee Decision |
“most of the conflict [between community and pest control agencies] rises from the aerial application of 1080 and this effect can be ameliorated (though not removed) by appropriate and meaningful consultation and dialogue” |
84 |
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Committee Decision |
“The Committee notes that [on-going suffering from a sub-lethal dose] applies to all vertebrate pest control methods” |
87 |
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Committee Decision |
“interest in possum fur (and high prices received) may mean this situation [possum fur not being considered a significant export earner] may change” |
88 |
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Committee Decision |
“trappers seeking the bounty would target easy areas first” |
88 |
2 |
Committee Decision |
“with continued use of 1080 the number of possums available to the fur industry is not likely to decrease to the point where that industry becomes non-viable” |
89 |
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Committee Decision |
“While 1080 may be required to be used more extensively [as RHD mortality declines] it is unlikely to..reduce employment [of rabbit shooters]” |
201 |
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Decision App.B |
“[impact on fur industry]..Not assessed..most major aerial operations are on..areas that it is either impossible or very uneconomic to cover using ground control” |