
Page No. Source Quotes from Decision Documents
349 13 Agency App. C “Data gaps..reproductive toxicity to birds” (lizards, invertebrates, frogs, bats, fish not studied either)
521 1 Agency App. F “Groups of bats were captured when returning to their roost and held in captivity for 48 hours (to assess mortality after a 1080 cereal operation]. No [deaths] or signs of poisoning occurred..further fully assess the potential impact of 1080”
521 2 Agency App. F “bat populations continue to inhabit [2 forest areas where there are] extensive ongoing pest control operations using a range of toxic baits, including 1080” (given as evidence of harm not being done)
723 4 Agency App. N “Monitoring data [on bats] do not indicate a high likelihood of direct poisoning from feeding on baits or mortalities from secondary poisoning”
723 5 Agency App. N “Given the low reproductive rate of <1 young/adult female per year there is little scope for the populations [of bats] to sustain the loss of many individuals”
749 2 Agency App. N “New Zealand short-tailed bats..feed on a varied diet..on the ground and in trees..and can therefore potentially be exposed to most bait types used”
749 3 Agency App. N “Captive short-tailed bats were presented with..non-toxic cereal..and carrot..bait..for many months..there was no evidence that either type of bait was consumed even in the absence of other food”
749 4 Agency App. N “Wild short-tailed bats (n=76) captured in the trial area were examined for fluorescent traces [after dye was added to non-toxic cereal bait]”
750 1 Agency App. N “to assess the attractiveness paste [bait] captive short-tailed bats..16 bats had their usual diet..replaced paste for the first 3 hours on one [or two]..nights”
750 2 Agency App. N “The attractiveness and palatability of..non-toxic baits and lures to wild-caught short tailed bats [4 females and 46 males] were assessed in an enclosure in 3 separate trials”
751 1 Agency App. N “The variations were suggested by the authors to be due to the same bats having been used in rat bait trials..and [they] may have become accustomed to feeding on the plain paste”
751 2 Agency App. N “Only one value has been reported for the toxicity of 1080 to bats..for the American big brown bat..the sensitivity of [NZ] species relative to [this] is unknown”
751 3 Agency App. N “Secondary poisoning from ingestion of a potential risk to short-tailed bats..long-tailed bats..catch invertebrates in flight..and have not been monitored during 1080 operations as the risk from secondary poisoning is considered minimal”
752 1 Agency App. N “Using an LD 50 of 0.15 mg/kg bw [for bats, a lethal dose could be delivered by invertebrates making up] 3.1%..- 0.3% of the total daily intake”
109 2 Applicants’ references “Invertebrates were collected and assayed for 1080 content, and results indicated that short-tailed bats, and other vertebrate insectivores, are vulnerable to secondary poisoning after aerial 1080 operations” (Lloyd & McQeen, 1998)
109 3 Applicants’ references “Monitoring involved catching a sample of 269 bats as they arrived at a roost after foraging, then holding them in captivity for 48 hours..although..several replicate trials are required before a generalised conclusion can be drawn about the fate of short-tailed bats following aerial 1080 operations” (Lloyd & McQueen, 2002)
41 1 Committee Decision “The Committee was informed that possums have been observed preying on bats while roosting..and to eat Dactylanthus flowers which provide food..for bats and to feed on invertebrates, a key food [for bats]”
41 2 Committee Decision “Monitoring of bats in relation to 1080 has not, however, identified any adverse effects on the populations of these animals”
41 3 Committee Decision “if 1080 were restricted to ground-based use only, it would be possible to protect known [bat] roosting sites from predation”
63 1 Committee Decision “Long-tailed bats are aerial insectivores and thus will not be exposed to carrot or cereal baits” (secondary poisoning ignored)
63 2 Committee Decision “Bat populations have been monitored in areas which have a history of prolonged pest control..with no adverse effects observed”
126 3 Committee Decision “Risks [to bats, native birds, frogs and lizards] are generally well understood by users of…1080 and can be managed”
133 2 Committee Decision “three significant risks..with aerial 1080..[2] effects on native mammals (bats) following direct exposure to pellets and coated baits” (omitted secondary poisoning)
195 3 Decision App.B “Risk to threatened species is rated higher as loss of a few individuals may affect the viability of a species”
195 4 Decision App. B “Minimum carrot size and chaff content [reduces risks to native bats]”