
Page No. Source Quotes from Decision Documents
392 2 Agency App. C “factors such as a decrease in ‘trappability’ of possums in winter may have an influence in assessing the operational outcomes”
481 3 Agency App. F “the RTCI [residual trap catch index] may not be accurate”
487 5 Agency App. F “ongoing predation [during poisoning] managed by intensive trapping around nest trees”
488 3 Agency App. F “in non-treatment area, RCTI dropped to 11.5% in February 2002, with no significant differences between treatment and control by Feb 2002…decline in control block due to poisoning and trapping for fur”
507 3 Agency App. F “Ship rats, stoats, possums [predators of Kereru]..ongoing predation noted after 1080 operation which achieved RTCI of 4.4% and rodent tracking index of 5% immediately after the operation..four years’ sustained ground control..including intensive trapping around nest trees..improved nesting for at least one season”
531 5 Agency App. F “To demonstrate efficacy in terms of percent kill [in DoC possum operations], the timing of the pre-control and post-control RTCI monitoring had to have occurred within 1 year before, and within 3 months after, the operation” (seasonal effects on possums numbers and trappability are likely however)
762 1 Agency App. O “The applicant estimates areas of land that would not be treated under a cyanide/trapping scenario..but there is too little justification in the application for the Agency to evaluate this analysis”
772 1 Agency App. O “Significant numbers of weka have been caught where they gain access to traps..DoC [now requires] traps..where ground birds are known to be present, to be set 700 mm above the ground..weka continue to be caught..the effectiveness of the new guidelines is not known”
773 1 Agency App. O “The catch rates reported..may..represent a significant percentage of the kiwi population..McLennan et al (1996) report that extensive surveys showed that about 10% of adult kiwi had damaged feet or toes, which they attributed to having been caught in leg-hold traps over the previous 2-3 decades..the actual catch rate will be [30-50%] higher taking account of birds injured fatally, and natural attrition of the ‘marked’ [damaged] population”
774 1 Agency App. O “Blue penguin..paradise shelduck..brown teal..Australasian harrier..pukeko..southern black-backed gulls..kereru..kakapo..kaka..kea..kakariki..long tailed kokako..have all been caught in traps..most..caught in leg-hold traps that have been set on the ground without surrounding barriers to reduce accidental capture of non-target species”
774 2 Agency App. O “traps raised to protect native ground birds have a higher risk of trapping birds such as kereru, morepork, and kaka”
774 3 Agency App. O “records of bird by-catch include some very small species..indicating that the traps must have been set very lightly”
775 1 Agency App. O “complete eradication [of pests with cyanide/trapping] is possible, as on Kapiti Island”
776 1 Agency App. O “[percentage kill..aerial 1080..intial control 87.9%, maintenance control 39%..traps only initial control 79.2%, maintenance control 78.6%]”
776 2 Agency App. O “[costs per hectare of control]..aerial 1080 $24..traps & cyanide $18..traps only $19”
777 3 Agency App. O “the percentage kill..indicates that trapping can be as effective as aerial application”
778 1 Agency App. O (costs and time were reduced, and kill rates increased, when ground control (cyanide and traps) was supplemented with dogs)
898 1 Agency App. T: Submissions “A trapper in our area has found no lesions on any possums he has trapped. Other species than possums can spread Tb, and our numbers of pigs with Tb are increasing”
911 1 Agency App. T: Submissions “We have proven that by encouraging coordinated and targeted trapping that possums (and rats as a by-product)..can be controlled to low numbers (using humane and kill traps) and harvesting a valuable resource”
137 2 Applicants’ references “Trapping and poisoning only provide short-term solutions to the possum problem and often involve methods that involve suffering. [Many of the] Intrusive experiments connected with these not attain the welfare standards required by members of the public” (Morris & Weaver, 2003)
6 1 Submitter 9142 “It appears that ferrets are capable of transmitting infection to stock.. [2 experiments have demonstrated that where] ferret populations have been reduced by trapping, the incidence in Tb declines” (Ragg & Byrom review)
40 5 Committee Decision “The Committee notes that 1080 is the only available vertebrate pest control agent able to control multiple pest species”
83 3 Committee Decision “neither [trapping or shooting] are wholly reliable in terms of reducing suffering”
84 1 Committee Decision “The Committee notes that [on-going suffering from a sub-lethal dose] applies to all vertebrate pest control methods”
88 1 Committee Decision “trappers seeking the bounty would target easy areas first”

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