
Page No. Source Quotes from Decision Documents
351 2 Agency App. C “1080 residues are persistent in animal carcasses for prolonged periods in winter conditions”
369 2 Agency App. C “There is limited information available on the degradation of 1080 in animal carcasses..It is clear that 1080 residues remain in the guts of dead animals for prolonged periods (at least 75 days under cool winter conditions..) and only degrade slowly”
370 1 Agency App. C “Day 75 (after estimated time of death, 1080 concentration of possum stomachs] 4.9 mg/kg
370 2 Agency App. C “day 73 [possum] stomach contents 6 mg/kg”
370 3 Agency App. C “At nearly 6 months..the remaining carcass still had dyed green bait in its stomach but <LOD (LOD not stated)”
370 4 Agency App. C “following a flood [2 months after 1080 drop] 3 carcasses were washed down-river well beyond the boundaries of the operational area [6 km..7 mg/kg; 15 km..6mg/kg; 50 km..<LOD] 1080 measured in the stomach contents..another possum and a stag carcass were found [after 3 months] following another larger flood..40 km..stag 0.5 mg/kg, 50 km..possum 1.7mg/kg”
371 1 Agency App. C “concentrations [of 1080 in rabbit carcasses]..were highly variable..the apparent increase in concentration from that at the time of death..may be due to..dehydration”
372 1 Agency App. C “[1080 concentrations in rabbit carcasses 3 weeks after death..0.02mg/kg (muscle)”
700 2 Agency App. M “The Agency understands that carcasses can reach waterways particularly after significant rain events and agrees there are some aspects which make this a higher risk in relation to drinking water contamination. In particular: a single carcass could [contain] a number of baits [and] the drinking water source may have already been declared free of contamination”
727 4 Agency App. N “[1080 residues in possum stomach contents] 30.6 mg/kg at Day 25, 4.9 mg/kg at Day 75”
886 1 Agency App. T: Submissions “The SPCA maintains its strenuous opposition to the use of 1080 in situations where non-target species, such as dogs, cats, deer and bird life, may be either directly or indirectly affected; also to use of 1080 for species..where..there has been insufficient [independent] research into the effects, in terms of humaneness, on these animals”
15 1 Applicants’ references “the Rabbit Destruction Council..suggested arsenic as a substitute for [1080 due to the danger to] farmers’ dogs” (Bell, 1972)
106 1 Submitter 9074 “the spasm period of [1080] victims, particularly the canines, seems unduly violent..The severe spasms associated with 1080..[is an] outstanding objection” (Biologist for the US Fish & Wildlife Service, 1948)
107 1 Submitter 9074 “Dogs have been killed by chewing up the dried carcass of a rat or mouse killed with 1080 several months before”
888 1 Submitter “ was killed 5 months after the [1080] drop”
55 1 Committee Decision “adverse effects [to dogs] associated with aerial control can be adequately managed by the controls [and improved management regime]”
65 1 Committee Decision “1080 residues in the carcasses of poisoned possums may be very slow break down”
83 1 Committee Decision “[the Committee] believes that the new management regime will help reduce the likelihood of dogs being lost to poisoning”
100 1 Committee Decision “signs must remain for at least a minimum period of six months or until the earlier retrieval of the bait, or it is demonstrated that the bait [including bait in carcasses] has ceased to be toxic” (no provision for toxic carcass removal, no verification of 6 month period)
100 2 Committee Decision “signs [must] be removed after completion of an operation”
116 1 Committee Decision “warning signs must remain in place for 6 months or until it can be demonstrated that baits and carcasses no longer present a risk to dogs”
116 2 Committee Decision “These signs provide people with sufficient information to allow them to..manage risks to..their dogs”
167 1 Decision App. A “The signs must remain in place for a minimum of six months after the last date of application”
167 2 Decision App. A “Signs must be removed”
167 3 Decision App. A “Regulation 28 (2) requires that signs be least 3 days before a substance is applied..[indications are that] it was an impractical requirement which would not reduce risks to the public..The Committee is satisfied that regulation 28 (2) should be varied”
167 4 Decision App. A “If [10-metre visibilty of all information] is required to be ahered to..signs [warning 1080 has been laid] will be considerably larger than is desirable and will lose their visibility and clarity with respect to the priority identification information and will not effectively manage risks to the public.”
200 1 Decision App.B “Controls in place to ensure dogs are not exposed are adequate”