Entries by vicki

Department of Conservation Tackles Rats …

The Department of Conservation claims it needs to aerially broadcast New Zealand forests with the deadly pesticide 1080, to kill plagues of rats. In this video clip you get a glimpse of what happens when 1080 poison is used to control rats … <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZMvdXlFSbRY?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

1080 Poison Low Risk in Water??? – Similar to Cooking oil??? – EPA

In a letter to the CE of Waikato Regional Council, the CE of the Environmental Protection Authority suggests that 1080 poison does not harm aquatic life, and breaks down into harmless bi-products in water. However, some of the research referenced – Niwa freshwater ecologist Dr Alistair Suren’s work – highlights a common trend in the […]

Why is TbFree Poisoning Kea Habitat?

TbFree, formerly the Animal Health Board (AHB), explains: “Despite having a very low human health risk now, bovine TB is still regarded as an unwanted disease in New Zealand because of the negative consumer perceptions and adverse market reactions it could generate. High levels of TB would also cause significant production losses for New Zealand […]