Entries by Dr J.C. Pollard, BSc (Hons), PhD, Zoology

Evidence of breaches of the HZNO Act in the 2007 reassessment of 1080 poison

Under New Zealand’s Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act (1996), the major aerial spreaders of sodium monofluoroacetate (“1080” poison) (the Animal Health Board and the Department of Conservation) were required to apply to the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA), for permission to continue.

A Look At NZ’s Conservation Science

Supporters of NZ’s conservation by aerial poisoning have commonly defended their position with the statement “Look at the science.”Most of the published science on conservation in NZ is accessed readily, appearing in the NZ Journal of Ecology (NZJE). A browse through the issues from the last couple of years reveals glimmers of hope for ecological management, plus some not so nice things. The following is a quick run through.