Testimony on 1080
Monofluoroacetate (know as Compound 1080) was originally developed and marketed as an insecticide. It functions primarily by interfering with the citrate step in the Krebs cycle [5].
The Krebs cycle is the major and an essential mechanism by which all air breathing creatures utilize food to produce energy.
It is therefore universally toxic to all animals, essentially every living thing except plants and some micro-organisms. The degree of toxicity of 1080 is extreme, but varies somewhat among species.
It is categorised by the World Health Organization (WHO) as 1A, their highest rating, “extremely toxic” [1,2]. The PAN pesticide database classifies 1080 as one of the few “PAN Bad Actor Chemicals”, by which it means “highly acutely toxic” [2]. It can kill every air-breathing animal. One hundred milligrams is sufficient to kill an adult human [1]. In theory, one could kill at least 20 million people with the amount being dropped into New Zealand Forests every year.
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