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1080 Poison Drops across New Zealand

Video documentaries by The Graf Boys

The Graf Boys – Steve, Clyde, and their dad Egon, have been filming New Zealand’s wildlife and outdoors action for over 20 years. They have spent the last 10 years, in between capturing wildlife action, filming and documenting aerial 1080 poison drops across New Zealand.

Govt agencies spread the deadly pesticide over New Zealand’s forests and streams to kill deer, possums, pigs and rats, but many native species are also killed. The videos below have documented the harmful and damaging effects of 1080 poison on the New Zealand environment, livestock and people.

Jack Patchet experiences the effects after a 1080 poison drop

The Department of Conservation’s 1080 drop poisoned all kea on Jack’s property. The farm is 120 years old and the kea had been on the property for this long. DOC told Jack he was to emotional and to find the science before he makes any comments to them about 1080.

Department of Conservation Independent Poisoned Cow Investigation – nothing “independent” about it.

The Department of Conservation has initiated an ‘independent” investigation following the death of 8 cows killed in its recent aerial 1080 poisoning operation. But is the independent investigation really independent?

Auckland’s water supply – Hunua dams – poisoned again

Auckland’s water supply is about to be poisoned again. Here’s what they’re in for ..

Photo of family-poisoned-by1080

Wild boar botulism family explain what poisoned them

A family violently ill for three weeks after consuming wild boar, tell about the ordeal, and what poisoned them …

Rescue Helicopters Used to Poison Deer – Tourists Speak Out – Mt Aspiring National Park

It’s the peak of the tourism season, and the Department of Conservation aerially spread 1080 poison bait across 38,000 hectares of the waterways the visiting trampers are drinking from. Hear what they have to say …

Pukaha-Mt-Bruce kiwi dying

Pukaha – Mt Bruce – 49 Dead Kiwi

Pukaha – Mt Bruce is a 942 hectare, un-fenced wildlife project situated in the Wairarapa Region of the North Island of New Zealand. The dark truth is, that kiwi are dying in large numbers, and the decline is directly pointing to pesticides like the aerially spread 1080 poison, or their failure to kill targeted species.

Department of Conservation – Kiwi Thriving Without Poisons

The Department of Conservation reveals that it removes large numbers of kiwi eggs from an un-poisoned, un-managed forest …

Deer Mass-poisoned – Lake Taupo Farmer Speaks Out

Farming is tough enough, without having to work around poisoned deer carcasses, killed as a result of a massive aerial poison drop near Lake Taupo…

NZ First Exposes TB Fraud?

Over 80 million dollars, including farmers and taxpayers hard earned cash, is spent eradicating a disease, that by World standards, has already been beat …

Families Poisoned with 1080 – District Health Boards Respond

The Hawkes Bay, and Waikato District Health Boards respond to concerns raised by families exposed to 1080 poison, and animal carcasses in waterways …


Photo essay – New Zealand – Clean, Green 1080% Pure

A photo essay about New Zealand’s struggle with maintaining its Clean and Green image. Backing music by Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms …

1080 Poison Dropped Directly into Coromandel Water Supplies

On the 13th and 14th of September, 2015, the Department of Conservation aerially spread 1080 poison across 23,500 hectares of the Coromandel Peninsula. Enough poison was distributed to kill over 340,000 people.


1080 Poison Dropped Directly into Auckland’s Water Supply

The Auckland Council stated in its pacifying document that it used “highly accurate GPS application technology to apply bait”.
The truth is that GPS technology was used to ensure every stream and watercourse within the drop boundaries were spread with 1080 poison.


Trout Mass-Poisoning in New Zealand

New Zealand has some of the best trout fishing in the world! Every year, thousands of international visitors wade pristine rivers in search of the freshwater game fish.


Department of Conservation Tackles Rats …

The Department of Conservation claims it needs to aerially broadcast New Zealand forests with the deadly pesticide 1080, to kill plagues of rats. In this video clip you get a glimpse of what happens when 1080 poison is used to control rats …


Rangitoto Range 1080 Poison Drop – deer repellent not effective …

Deer repellent is sometimes applied to 1080 poison baits in aerial poison drops across New Zealand Forests and streams. The blood-based solution is applied to the deadly cereal food baits to deter deer from eating them…


Cattle die after 1080 poison drop in Waikato

38 cattle broke through a fence and entered a 1080 poison drop zone in the Waikato region. 2 are dead, and it is unknown how many others may be poisoned. The question that remains is – What will happen to the other 36 animals – will they be culled or will they stay in the foodchain? Farmer Chris Barker speaks about the incident …


1080 poison coverups – farmers speak out

1080 poison is dropped from helicopters and is used to kill possums and rats. However, at times, farm stock is also killed. These farmers discuss how the 1080 industry is very creative at avoiding reporting these incidents

Mt Pirongia Poison Drop Breaches Manufacturer’s Warning

On the 22nd of August, 2014, 32,000 kilos of 1080 poison bait was cast across Mt Pirongia, near Hamilton. It was enough poison to kill 240,000 people, almost twice the population of Hamilton…


New Zealand Rivers – The Fight to Keep Them Poison-Free

New Zealand claims to be “Clean, Green and 100% Pure”.

In New Zealand, it’s the authorities doing the contaminating, and the people fighting to keep their water pure – and they’re getting arrested doing it.

Poisoning Paradise – Ecocide New Zealand – Festival Version

This New Zealand film has won 4 international environmental awards – but here in NZ, TV channels refuse to play it. Why? Because if they did, there would be outrage and riots over New Zealand’s use of aerially applied 1080 poison. See for yourself …

Operation Nest Egg – Is the Department of Conservation saving kiwi or accelerating their demise …

Are techniques used to “save” kiwi, killing them?


1080 Poison – Risk in Water – EPA

In a letter to the CE of Waikato Regional Council, the CE of the Environmental Protection Authority suggests that 1080 poison does not harm aquatic life, and breaks down into harmless bi-products in water.


Kea Killed in 1080 Poison Drops

Kea are one of the most endangered parrots on Earth. The New Zealand Govt agency – Department of Conservation – continues to aerially drop poisonous food directly into kea habitat to kill rats, possums and deer … but it’s not just rats and deer that are dying …


Poisoning Stewart Island – is it ecocide?

Gareth Morgan, a rich and powerful New Zealand businessman, has a dream. He has teamed up with Department of Conservation, and some locals, and is advocating to rid Stewart Island of mammal pests. Fair enough you say?

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